Developer's Best Friend
Lorem Ipsum Text Generator
Designers and developers often need "filler" text to test a user interface. This generator provides a number of options for generating sample text that can be used for this purpose.
Random User Generator
Many applications implement user databases, and its often important to test applications with a large number of users. This tool will generate fake data that can be used to populate such a database.
UX Persona Generator
In User Experience (UX) design a key idea is to create a number of "personas", or imaginary users, that closely resemble the target user community. This tool generates a persona layout, complete with an image and some fake user info that can be used as a starting point for creating personas for your project. An example persona is shown to the right.
Password Generator
This tool provides a password generator that follows the xkcd web comic strip style of passwords. These passwords consist of a number of natural language words that are relatively easy to remember, while still being hard for black hat hackers to guess.